


This is another piece that Sandra ordered for her lovely cat.  As per her request, a collar with wings and coloring in pink and gold, I created this one and named it Angel Muriel

Muriel is the Angel of June and the ruler of the Sign of Cancer. She encourages us to become more aware of ourselves and the world around us and helps us gain the ability to get in touch with our deepest feelings.

As usual, the wings are removable.  Sandra can depends on her mood to attach the wings on or not.  Also, this chic and lovely collar is clipped with lobster clawSo this cute collar is more for special occasion or photo shooting than daily wearing.

Happily, Sandra loves this one a lot ^^  I can't wait to see her kitty wearing this on!




這是Sandra 訂製的另一條項圈,是給她的奶茶色金吉拉。 一開始Sandra便表明了很喜歡Julia之前製作的天使羽翼金色款。 她希望我能替她設計一條類似款,但顏色以粉紅色及金色調為主,翅膀則原屬意要金色的。  Julia望著她的貓咪好幾天想了很久,決定換掉金色翅膀,並自作主張的作出了這款混合天使羽翼”Queen” 天使 慕麗兒 (Angel Muriel)

Muriel 是掌管六月及巨蟹座的天使。 她個性溫柔且充滿情感,熱愛家庭。 總是以優雅且美好的形象展現在世人面前。 這些特質像極了我這款項圈所要傳達的感覺。 所以便以Muriel為名。

這款項圈是以龍蝦扣及延長鍊為配戴法,翅膀則是同過去的設計一樣,可以隨心取下或戴上。 比較適合特殊節日、寵物團聚及照相用。 不是日常配戴款。

最後,真的很謝謝Sandra及一些很相信julia的格友們,願意讓julia隨心設計,天馬行空的發揮創意,來替他們的寶貝設計項圈。 因為有你們的支持,才讓julia擁有動力製作設計這些獨特的項圈 ^^




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