





這可真是一次"超美妙"的體驗 ^^


我參加的是一月份的Fat Quarter Fabric Swap


每位參加者必須寄出3份fat quarter 的布料及一些小禮物給指定的對象。 感覺有點像"交換禮物",只是對象是跨國際且限制在布料及手作材料。  我的交換對象是來自丹麥的一個媽媽。 她是個包包手作設計者。 在她寄來的包裹中,她附上了一張小卡,親切的寫明她包裹中的可愛卡通布樣是讓我用來做些小東西給金金的 ^^,還不忘了附上幾張童話紙樣,傳達她的國家形象(安徒生童話的發源地就是丹麥)   這幾張童話紙樣讓我驚豔不已,因為真的是很可愛。 猜想可能是用來做Scrap booking用的。 等以後金金長大些,拿來做獎勵她的小禮物。

我呢,則準備了三塊花布及一些古董鈕扣、緞帶、pp帶給她做包包用。 另外又多放了三包茶袋 (烏龍茶,茉莉花茶,及綠茶)給她,讓她休息時可以坐下來品茗一番, 呵呵~

總之呢,這真的是一次相當順利且讓人感動的swap!  我已經準備好參加下一次囉~


Thinking of shearing this wonderful experience with you guys for a while, and finally got a free time to type it down.  I’ve just received my first SWAP package from Denmark!  That’s right, the country of Andersen Fairly Tale!  A country I have never been and even thought about receive a mail from! 


The SWAP I joined is Fat Quarter Fabric Swap, organized by Goddesswillo.  Every participant has to send certain amount of fat quarter (decided by the organizer) and some tiny gift (maybe a sheets of sticker or ribbon, or candy…) to his/her partner.  My SWAP partner, Sylvia Oreifig, is a mom and runs a home business as a bag designer and crafter.  I love her parcel so much!  She sent me 3 cute fat quarters with some animal and cartoon prints on it, so I can use it to make some things for my baby.  Besides the fabric, she also added some cotton ribbon with few sheets of fairly tale paper as gift for me.  The sheets of fairly tale paper are very unique, which I’ve never seen before.  I guess it is for scrap booking use. ^^


The parcel I received from Sylvia:




Below is what I sent to Sylvia:


Since Syliva is a bag creator and loves floral pattern, so I’ve sent her some fabrics with flower prints on it and some vintage buttons, charms, ribbons, and webbings for her bag creation.   And I also added 3 bags of Chinese Tea for her to enjoy on her rest.  Hope she likes it.  ^^



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