


This Keychain is made by Taiwan traditional Hakka cotton prints. The red color with big peony flower patterns represents “Wealth,” “Fortune,” and “Lucky.” The Hakka are Taiwan's second largest ethnic group, and my husband is one of them. I deeply love this colorful pattern, especially the meaning in behind. So, I created this Keychain and named it “Fortune Comes with Blooming Flowers.” Hope this keychain can bring the fortune to its owner.

The front of the keychain is covered with Taiwan traditional Hakka cotton print, the back is felt. This is not only a keychain, but also a coin purse. Because I always can’t find my keys, plus I collect coins…So I made this Giant Keychain and Coin Purse 2 in 1. Hope someone like me, will like it too! ^^

Julia是個很迷糊且隨性的人,常常隨手就把鑰匙往大包包一丟,又常常身邊帶著一把零錢,所以乾脆拿塊客家花布給自己做了一個超大的鑰匙圈兼零錢包 = ="

這個真的很好用ㄟ...又大又顯眼,有時背個大黑包包,上面掛個花鑰匙圈,就很好看! 也解決掉我老是掉key的困擾囉 ^^




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